October 07, 2024

Addressing Fibromyalgia with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

For those affected by fibromyalgia, it can be difficult to enjoy daily life when dealing with chronic pain and other related issues. However, at Momentum Chiropractic, we offer upper cervical chiropractic services that can help to transform the daily lives of patients with fibromyalgia.

Addressing Fibromyalgia with Upper Cervical Chiropractic

For those affected by fibromyalgia, it can be difficult to enjoy daily life when dealing with chronic pain and other related issues. However, at Momentum Chiropractic, we offer upper cervical chiropractic services that can help to transform the daily lives of patients with fibromyalgia. From reducing chronic pain, to improving mobility, and more, let’s go ahead and dive in to some of the ways that we can help to address fibromyalgia with upper cervical chiropractic:

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that leads to pain in the muscles and bones, as well as contributing to other potential health issues, such as sleep problems, mood issues, and more. Fibromyalgia can be caused by physical trauma, though in some cases, symptoms develop without a clear cause. People who deal with fibromyalgia experience enhanced painful sensations as a result of the disorder’s impact on the communication between your brain and spinal cord. This disorder can cause a variety of problems and affect your overall wellbeing in several ways, which is why seeking treatment through our upper cervical chiropractic services can be so helpful.

How does upper cervical chiropractic help with fibromyalgia?

Since fibromyalgia is associated with poor communication between the brain and the spinal cord, upper cervical chiropractic can be a great tool to improve patients’ lives who are affected by this disorder. Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the upper neck region, which allows for relief of the pressure that fibromyalgia can inflict on the brain stem. This easing of pressure can reduce the amount of pain signals being sent to the brain, as well as their severity, which can greatly decrease overall discomfort in patients with fibromyalgia. When you come for upper cervical chiropractic at Momentum Chiropractic, we utilize a detailed process that combines detailed testing, patient consultations, and more, all of which allow us to get the best possible idea of your health background and provide the most effective solutions for your health needs. We will also help to set you up with a consistent routine of chiropractic care that can help to make sure your symptoms stay under control in the long term.

How can I get started with upper cervical chiropractic for fibromyalgia?

If you are interested in utilizing our upper cervical chiropractic services to help treat your fibromyalgia, it is easy to get started with us. You can simply utilize our online booking tool to schedule your appointment with us today, then get ready to pay us a visit and find out about all of the ways that we can help you to maximize your health and wellbeing.

As you can see, Momentum Chiropractic can provide effective solutions for those dealing with fibromyalgia. If you are among those affected by this disorder, don’t let it keep you from enjoying your life; instead, give our services a try and see how we can help. And, of course, you can learn more about upper cervical chiropractic for fibromyalgia by reaching out to our team today. We look forward to assisting you!